So, your game works, but needs a little smoothing out. So, here are some ideas:
- Add a main menu screen with a help option explaining the game, and mabye even options. I made one, here's a screenshot:

- Remember: if you add an extra frame at the beginning, you have to change all gotoAndStop()s to the correct frame.
- Change the game so the hero can't move outside the border.
- Add a preloader.
- When you press the reset button at the end of the game, the intervals for the enemies shooting aren't cleared, so the enemies shoot a lot more bullets on the next playing, like this:

- Try stopping this.
- Try removing the enemies on the game over screen.
- Using some of the tips from here, try to optimize your game to have the best fps possible.
- Try only using one onEnterFrame, eg. don't have the onClipEvents on the enemies.
- Better graphics?
If you have any ideas or suggestions, email me at