700bytes Pong game
[ August 04, 2003 ] by Tom Moor
Tom Moor has created one of the smallest Flash games around! It's a pong game where you play against the CPU. Source code included.

Download the source code of this prototype

The ActionScript:

//--- Flash MX Pong Game 1Kb by random10122 Version 1.0
//--- Paste this code on frame 1 and set scene size to 600x300 and frame rate to 60
//--- Inspired by strille's Flash MX Snake Game 1Kb

h = 300;	// Stage height
w = 600;	// Stage width

// Create a border
lineTo(w, y = m = 0);	// set score variables
lineTo(w, h);
lineTo(0, h);
lineTo(0, 0);

// Create the net
lineStyle (1,null,50)
lineTo(w/2, h);

// Hide the mouse from view

// Create some score fields

createTextField("x",7,140,10,20,20);	// enemys score
createTextField("z",8,440,10,20,20);	// player score

// Main game function
s = function () {
        with (createEmptyMovieClip("e", 2)) {	// create an enemy
                lineStyle(1);			// create the paddle
                lineTo(10, 0);
                lineTo(10, 60);
                lineTo(0, 60);
                lineTo(0, 0);
                _x = 10;			// position the paddle
                _y = h/2;
        e.onEnterFrame = function() {		// enemy actions
                if (b._y-34 > this._y) {	// move the paddle
                        this._y += 4;
                } else if (b._y-30 < this._y) {
                        this._y -= 4;
                if (b._x < this._x+10) {
                        if (b._y > this._y && b._y < this._y+60) {	// if paddle hits ball
                                b.i *= -1;			// reverse the ball speed
                                b.j = (b._y-(this._y+30))/2;
                        } else {
                                x.text = ++m;			// increase score
                                s();				// reset the game
        with (createEmptyMovieClip("b", 6)) {				// create the ball
                // draw the circle
				curveTo(5,0, 5,-5); 
                // position the ball in the center
                _x = w/2;
                _y = h/2;
                // give it a random direction and speed
                if (random(3) > 1) {
                        b.i = 8+random(3);
                } else {
                        b.i = -8-random(3);
                b.j = random(4);
        b.onEnterFrame = function() {
                this._x += this.i;		// move the ball according to speed
                this._y += this.j;
                if (this._y > h-5 or this._y < 5) {	// check for boundaries and reverse direction
                        this.j *= -1;
        // duplicate player from enemy so we dont have to draw another paddle
        with(e.duplicateMovieClip("p", 1)){
                _x = w-20;		// position on stage
                _y = _root._ymouse;
        p.onEnterFrame = function() {
                this._y = _ymouse;	// move paddle with mouse
                if (b._x > this._x) {
                        if (b._y > this._y && b._y < this._y+60) {	// if paddle hits ball
                                b.i *= -1;			// reverse direction
                                b.j = (b._y-(this._y+30))/2;
                        } else {
                                z.text = ++y;			// increase score
                                s();				// reset

// Now lets start the game

Name: Tom Moor
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 17
Flash experience: 2 years
Job: Student
Website: N/A
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